I welcome customer requests for tables, chairs, bookcases, chests, cupboards and more.
I have worked with many New England home owners who are looking for something special for their living room, dining room or kitchen in particular. I enjoy working together to come up with the right blend of rustic and modern to suit your taste and your needs. Please feel free to contact me in whatever way you like. I admit that I am most comfortable on the phone and in person, but you might leave me a message on the contact form if you do not have time to call (or I am not answering for some reason) and would like to get the ball rolling. The most important thing is to know is that whatever you have in mind, I am confident I can design and craft a unique, quality piece of wood furniture to complement the decor of your home.
LaPointe Antiques & Restoration
1191 River Road
Bowdoinham, Maine 04008